Musical Delicacies

— Early Music Concert Series —

The development of our summer courses


Courses on the interpretation of Early Music
Time period of education Concerts by Venue
year from to days tutors partici­pants
28.08. 31.08. 3 1 1 Kunín
24.08. 30.08. 3½ + 3 2 2 Bučovice + Kunín
27.07. 06.08. 3½ + 3½ 2 2 Bučovice + Kunín
23.08. 27.08. 4 0 1 Kunín
21.08. 30.08. 4 + 4 1 2 Kunín
23.08. 01.09. 1 2 Kunín
18.08. 22.08. 1 1 Kunín
17.08. 21.08. 4 1 1 Kunín
06.08. 13.08. 7 2 1 Kunín
05.08. 13.08. 7 1 2 Kunín

These courses are organised as masterclasses in instrumental and vocal subjects, supplemented with ensemble tuition in selected literature.

Thematic courses
Theme Time period of education Concerts by Venue
year from to days tutors partici­pants
Adam Michna 2017 15.08. 19.08. 1 1 Bučovice
Le Roi danse 2019 01.07. 06.07. 1 1 Bučovice

In these courses, the participants rehearse selected literature to concert level under the guidance of the tutors and present it in a public performance.

The summer courses in the media and photo galeries

by Czech TV: “School for playing baroque instruments” (Studio 6, Michal Polášek, 31.08.2014 09:23).

by Czech TV: “Interpretation courses in Early Music” (Events in Culture on ČT Art, Helena Dohnalová, 03.08.2016 20:08).
Review: Deník, 05.08.2016: “Baroque music is sounding in the castle” (Ivana Reková, in Czech).
Review: Polar, 15.08.2022: “Kunín chateau hosted an international course on the interpretation of Baroque and Renaissance music” (Libor Běčák, in Czech).
Photo gallery: Participants’ concert in the church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Kunín, 05.08.2016 (Jan Šlechta).
Photo gallery: Summer course & participants’ concert, 25.08.2018 (Jan Šlechta).

The concert cycles

Number of visitors in the concerts
Year Number of concerts Number of visitors
Concerts by Fringe concerts total Concerts by Fringe concerts total
tutors partici­pants tutors partici­pants
1 1 2 130 75 205
2 3 3 8 115 220 320 655
2 2 4 8 140 125 220 485
1 2 3 6 80 105 150 335
1 1 3 5 50 80 145 275
2 3 1 6 95 200 60 355
1 1 3 5 45 15 140 200
1 1 2 4 30 35 75 140
2 1 4 7
1 2 2 5 90 80 130 300

The concerts were originally intended as a way for the tutors (who are all internationally renowned performers) and the course participants (mostly students of music or young professionals) to present themselves and their art to each other. The audience’s response has been great, the concert series has become an institution of its own and an important contribution to the music culture of this region.

Among other things, the courses allowed us to organise “fringe concerts” in the environs, — concerts that otherwise would not have been feasible because of the long journey of the performers (we have tutors coming from Chile, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic).

List of performed concerts
Date and timeVenueVisitorsPerformers
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2014
Kunín 130 tutors, partici­pants
Kunín 75 partici­pants
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2015
Brno 90 partici­pants
Bučovice 80 tutors
Bučovice 40 partici­pants
Kunín 35 tutors
Kroměříž 80 Monti, Cleary
Kunín 110 tutors, partici­pants
Kunín 70 partici­pants
Brno 150 tutors
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2016
Kroměříž 80 Zylberajch, Kratochvílová
Brno 40 Gutiérrez
Bučovice 85 tutors
Bučovice 100 partici­pants
Kunín 55 tutors
Kunín 25 partici­pants
Kroměříž 50 Neuman, Monti, Pastuszka, Willi, Čižmář
Valtice 50 Neuman, Monti, Pastuszka, Willi, Čižmář
Adam Michna 2017
Bučovice 80 Gutiérrez, Kratochvílová, Wagner, Čižmář
Bučovice 40 tutors, partici­pants
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2017
Valtice 50 Gutiérrez, Kratochvílová, Wagner, Čižmář
Kroměříž 50 Gutiérrez, Wagner, Čižmář
Valtice 50 Gutiérrez, Čižmář
Kunín 65 tutors, partici­pants
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2018
Prague 60 Gutiérrez, Kratochvílová, Wagner, Čižmář
Kunín 50 Zylberajch, Gester, Gutiérrez, Kratochvílová, Čižmář
Kunín 80 tutors, partici­pants
Kroměříž 40 OctOpus Vocalis, tutors, partici­pants
Kunín 45 tutors, partici­pants
Le Roi danse 2019
Bučovice 45 Soulhat, Devaux, Boysen, Sánchez, Hervieux, Kratochvílová, Čižmář
Bučovice 40 tutors, partici­pants
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2019
Kunín 50 tutors
Kunín 20 partici­pants
Kunín 140 partici­pants
Kunín 60 Grundmann-Quartett
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2020 6
Kunín 45 tutors
Kunín 55 Tesařová, Kratochvílová, Čižmář, Friedl
Kunín 35 Kratochvílová, Kubínová, Šejnohová, Levová
Kunín 15 tutors, partici­pants
Bílovec 50 Kratochvílová, Kubínová, Šejnohová, Levová
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2021 6
Kunín 30 tutors
Kunín 40 Pahn, Kratochvílová, Šejnohová, Čižmář
Kunín 35 tutors, partici­pants
Kunín 35 Friedl, Kratochvílová, Čižmář
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2022 6
Kunín Kratochvílová, Friedl
Raduň Murcia, Gutiérrez, Čižmář
Kunín Murcia, Gutiérrez, Čižmář
Bílovec Kratochvílová, Friedl
Kunín Tourdion, Bohemian Lute Orchestra
Bílovec Tourdion, Bohemian Lute Orchestra
Kunín tutors, partici­pants
Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music 2023 6
Kunín 90 tutors
Kunín 40 tutors, partici­pants
Raduň 20 tutors, partici­pants
Vizovice 110 tutors, partici­pants
Kunín 40 tutors, partici­pants

[1] Part of the event “Night in the Castle” of the National Heritage Institute (NPÚ).

[2] Organisers: Hudební lahůdky, z.s., Archbishops’ Château and Gardens Kroměříž (NPÚ), Kroměříž Archdiocesan Museum (MUO), Czech National Trust o.p.s.

[3] Some 100 further visitors could not find space in the rather small room (the church was closed for renovation). Part of the event “Night in the Castle” of the National Heritage Institute (NPÚ).

[4] Organiser: Plaisirs de Musique, z.s.

[5] Organisers: Hudební lahůdky, z.s., Svatováclavský hudební festival, z.s.

[6] Organisers: Hudební lahůdky, z.s., Česká loutnová společnost, z.s.

[7] Part of the series “Cultural summer of Alois Hába at the Vizovice Chateau”.

Photo: Concert.
Concert 25.08.2018 — Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, Kunín — Photo: Jan Šlechta.
Photo: Concert.
Concert 08.09.2019 — Grundmann-Quartett — Kunín château — Photo: Jaroslav Zezulčík.

The courses and their participants

Courses on the interpretation of Early Music
Year Concerts Active course participants
amount visitors total from Czechia from the V4 by age
youngest median average oldest
2 205 35 86% 97% 16 24 28 48
5 335 47 57% 83% 13 26 28 56
4 265 52 63% 75% 14 29 31 72
1 65 28 68% 86% 16 27 32 72
2 130 52 54% 73% 16 25 30 57
3 210 31 52% 71% 17 35 34 67
2 60 22 77% 82% 15 38 38 68
2 65 14 57% 64% 8 32 31 48
3 26 62% 77% 13 39 36 70
3 170 53 68% 83% 8 39 37 71

Thematic courses
Theme Year Concerts Active course participants
amount visitors total from Czechia from the V4 by age
youngest median average oldest
Adam Michna 2017 2 120 11 82% 100% 16 24 28 40
Le Roi danse 2019 2 85 17 65% 71% 16 34 34 64

“V4” denotes the four Visegrad countries: Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

The median age is the middle value, where half the participants are older and the other half is younger. For asymmetric age distributions (like here), the median is a better measure of central tendency (“typical” age) than the average (the arithmetic mean).

Geographical distribution

Active course participants by country of residence
Course Visegrád remaining Europe Americas Asia/Pacific
30 3 1 1
27 6 6 4 1 1 2
33 3 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 1
Adam Michna 9 1 1
19 1 3 1 3 1
28 3 6 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 2
Le Roi danse 11 1 2 2 1
16 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
17 1 4
8 1 3 2
16 1 3 2 2 1 1
36 2 6 3 2 1 2 1


The Summer course on the interpretation of Early Music is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education (MŠMT) within the system for Further Education of Pedagogs (DVPP) under the references 6523/2015–1–266 and 8810/2019–1. It enables teachers of Primary Art Schools and Conservatories to learn more about Early Music, both theoretically and practically.

Photo: Participants in the summer course.
Participants in the summer course — Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, Kunín — Photo: Jan Šlechta, 05.08.2016.

Thank you

The summer courses and the associated concerts took place with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic, the town Bučovice, and the Czech-German Fund for the Future.

The project is realized in cooperation with the following institutions: Kunin municipality , Bučovice town, Kunin château (Nový Jičín museum), Bučovice château (National Heritage Institute), the Kunín parish (Mons. Dr. Alois Peroutka), hotel Arkáda, restaurant U dobré hraběnky, and the management of Nový Jičín school farm under VFU Brno. — Special thanks go to Mr. Jaroslav Zezulčík (Kunín) and Mr. Miloslav Klement † (Bučovice).

Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic Státní fond kultury České republiky Logo Města Bučovice Česko-německý fond budoucnosti Logo Národního památkového ústav Logo hotelu Arkáda Logo restaurace U dobré hraběnky Logo VFU Brno ŠZP Nový Jičín